
In this section we’ll get a bird’s eye view of restcli's core concepts. After reading this section, you should be ready for the Tutorial.


restcli understands your API through YAML files called Collections. Collections are objects composed of Groups, which are again objects composed of Requests. A Collection is essentially just a bunch of Requests; Groups are purely organizational.

        # <<request>>
        # <<request>>
        # <<request>>

This Collection has two Groups. The first Group, weapons, has two Requests, equip and info. The second has Group is called “potions” and has one Request called “drink”. This is a good example of a well-organized Collection — Groups were used to provide context, and even though we’re using placeholders, it’s easy to infer the purpose of each Request.


A Request is a YAML object that describes a particular action against an API. Requests are the bread and butter of restcli.

method: post
url: "http://httpbin.org/post"
    Content-Type: application/json
    Authorization: {{ password }}
body: |
    name: bar
    age: {{ cool_number }}
    is_cool: true

At a glance, we can get a rough idea of what’s going on. This Request uses the POST method to send some data (body) to the url http://httpbin.org/post, with the given Content-Type and Authorization headers.

Take note of the stuff in between the double curly brackets: {{ password }}, {{ cool_number }}. These are template variables, which must be interpolated with concrete values before executing the request, which brings us to our next topic…


An Environment is a YAML object that defines values which are used to interpolate template variables in a Collection. Environments can be be modified with scripts, which we cover in the Tutorial.

This Environment could be used with the Request we looked at in the previous section:

password: sup3rs3cr3t
cool_number: 25

Once the Environment is applied, the Request would look something like this:

method: post
url: "http://httpbin.org/post"
    Content-Type: application/json
    Authorization: sup3rs3cr3t
body: |
    name: bar
    age: 25
    is_cool: true

Next Steps

The recommended way to continue learning is the Tutorial.